Merry Christmas
The final week of term is always packed, but this week has also been an outstanding and memorable one in Year 5.
The highlight of the week for everyone were the two performance of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits. As you can imagine, the childen were on quite a high after Wednesday’s show, with good reason. We couldn’t have asked for a better end to the Year, when everything came together perfectly for them to show off their acting skills. We are extremely proud of everyone for the hard work they put in to learning and delivering their lines and singing the songs. The number of children with new found confidence is also lovely to see. Photos and videos will be shared by Mr Harris but a couple of behind the scene pics of 5B warming up their voices are below.

After the show, both classes started on their DT project of designing and building a Mars rover.
After creating a plan, the chassis was constructed from wood, held together with glue. Axels were attached to hold the wheels and then the electrical circuit was assembled. This was probably the trickiest and fiddliest part of the process due to the small two way switches being used.
Finally the rovers were kitted out with the latest, state of the art satellite dishes, rock scoops, dust analysers, number plates and Christmas elves. 5B held a race, which was won by the rover constructed by Fraser, Frank and Georgia. The best design was a joint winner. Maisie, Isabel and Nuala’s rover and Harleen and Evie’s were superb.

It has been a great but long term and we are looking forward to January and all the activities to come.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from all the staff in Year 5
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Sulaiman thoroughly enjoyed making the Mars Rover- looks like great fun!!
Hi, just want to say the performance was amazing to watch, can’t believe they remembered their lines too. Credit to staff.
i liked the show s and i love the picture with the elf on the shelf