Farsley Farfield Primary School

New additions to school!

Look who’s arrived at school…

The Wright family (former pupils now living in Lincolnshire) came over en masse this evening to gift three delightful Kune Kune piglets to the school farm: two boys and a girl.

Children will look after the pigs during the week and LOTS of families have offered to look after them on a weekend. They are just 10 weeks old and have lots of growing to do but they will always be small pigs: perfect for a primary school. These pigs are going to be pets and have a lovely home on the top field in a space that was originally funded through the lottery.


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  • Tamsin Kingsley says:

    They are adorable! Can’t wait to meet them.

  • David Hopkins says:

    Amazing! What a great addition to the school. What other school can say they have a farm with chickens, pigs, orchard, pollytunnels. Thank you to the Wrights.