New KS2 art portfolio published
Today we have published a portfolio of work from Y3-6’s art curriculum. The portfolio shows the inspiration, process and a few finished pieces from the children’s termly or half termly art projects.
The intent of our art and design curriculum is:
“Art and Design provides children with a wealth of opportunities to develop their creativity, imagination and self-confidence. Through Art and Design lessons, children will have practical experience of using and developing their mastery of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space, while being able to develop their skills across year groups. Children will experience, enjoy and evaluate different forms of art, craft and design from a range of time periods and cultures. Children will learn about a diverse range of artists, craft makers and designers and explore the different roles and functions of art, craft and design. Children will be taught to understand and use relevant vocabulary and will have the opportunity to critically evaluate their own and others’ artwork.”
Our portfolio can be found here:
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