Farsley Farfield Primary School

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Farfield hosts live-streamed assemblies to tens of thousands

21/03/2025 · No comments yet

This week our school was turned into a TV studio for two live-stream assemblies for Network Rail around railway safety. Nearly 170,000 children across the country were logged in to watch the professionally-produced assemblies, with 6D and then 2BW as the audience and participants. The assemblies had good safety messages but were also a Read More

World Book Day ‘Read Aloud Your Way’ Competition winners

08/03/2025 · No comments yet

We had over 150 entries into our video competition, showcasing brilliant reading and story-telling from Nursery up to Year 6. Class 6D, in particular, did really well in terms of entries. Thank you for all the entries: the standard was very high and we were delighted with the quality of the reading. There were Read More

World Book Day plans

14/02/2025 · No comments yet

It is World Book Day after half term at the beginning of March. Details of plans are below.

Final Saturday cross country event of the year

26/01/2025 · No comments yet

Farfield had full teams for all the races on the final Saturday cross country event of the season at Middleton Park on a cold January morning. Chair of Governors Ruth Fain has, along with Mrs Tomlinson, led the organisation and team management and was delighted with the efforts at the last event of the Read More

Key Stage 1 ‘Simply Nativity’

20/12/2024 · 1 comment

Our Year 1 children took on acting roles, and our Y2 children were engaging narrators, for our infant nativity: Simply Nativity. As one child playing a talking tree said: “Last year, I was just a twig.” This year, expectations were high and so many 5 and 6 year olds had speaking and acting parts, Read More