Nursery – 07.03.25
This week we continued to practise listening to sounds and passing them around the circle. I am pleased to report that we were much better this week.
We continued to look at the number 3. We collected 3 items and had a go at matching and colouring the correct puppy to match with its kennel. Some children also practised forming the numeral.

Pancake day
As it was pancake day on Tuesday, we decided to make and try some pancakes. Yummy! We also had a go at flipping the pancakes and catching them.

WBD – Reading buddies
Some of our children were in school for WBD but we all participated in reading activities. The children were very excited to see our reading buddies on Monday and Thursday. We also had a go at designing a book token and enjoyed lots of amazing stories.

Everything else
What a week! The sunshine has been amazing and lots more children have ventured outside to enjoy it. We received lots of deliveries this week. The children loved the new outdoor bricks and had great fun building some new bikes before testing them out!

Have a lovely weekend,
The Nursery Team
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