Nursery – 14.02.25
We have been thinking about sounds we would hear in different places this week. We looked at some pictures to give us clues and then created sounds to go with the pictures—for example, a train noise at a train station.
We have represented the number 2 by forming the numeral and drawing two items. The children really impressed us with their pincer grips and pencil control. We have completed lots of maths activities to consolidate our understanding of the number two.

Valentines day
This week we have been thinking about the people we love. We have made some lovely artwork to share with our loved ones.

Everything else
It’s been another busy week in our nursery. We looked at fire engines, played a fishing game, transported water, had some tummy time, constructed impressive buildings, and walked around the school grounds. While walking, the children walked in twos, found two objects, listened for two different sounds, and completed two actions.

Have a lovely break
The Nursery Team
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Lots of fantastic learning and playing as always.
Have a well earned rest. Happy half term!