Nursery – 28.02.25
Farmer Duck
It is the start of a new term, which means a new focus book. This term, we are looking at Farmer Duck. The children listened well and have already started to join in with the repeated words. We might add some actions next week.
This week we have been listening and following a set of sounds. The first person made a sound using their body (clap, pat) and then the next person copied it. This was passed around a circle from child to child. It was not as successful as we hoped! We will practise this listening and passing skill again next week.
We introduced Puppy Number 3. Within this book, we are focusing on the number 3, the colour red, and triangular shapes. The children have impressed us with their learning. We managed to fit in a little measuring this week and used the words ‘more’, ‘long’, ‘longest’, and, ‘shortest’.
Special visitors
The children were very excited to meet our visitors this week. We discussed how the police help us to stay safe. The children made their own police badges and enjoyed acting out catching ‘bad guys’.

Everything else
We have had a lovely first week back. It has been great to welcome Mrs Spencer back to our class. We had all missed her. The children have been very interested in superheroes and enjoyed making masks. We managed to get outside quite a lot and practise our spatial awareness on bikes and scooters. We also used our imagination with our new fantasy play toys, looked at shadows, and built bridges.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Nursery Team
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