One week to go!
This week has been busy with the children completing maths and reading assessments. In between their assessments, there’s been lots of fun learning.
This week, our maths lessons have focused on the multiples of 4. Children have been using their understanding to divide into equal groups and answer word problems that need the 4 times tables. Children should use Mathletics and TT Rockstar to support their recall. This week, we have set a TT Rockstar battle between both classes, which starts today!
Leon has left the Place Between and floated back to his world, where he shares his findings with his little sister Mo, who doesn’t believe in magic. The children enjoyed writing a lengthy narrative using fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, and past tense to describe the young boy’s journey.
Last week, we sent home a poem, ‘The Adventures of Isabel,’ and Year 3 have been working in partners and groups to prepare for their performances. Here are pictures of 3B! We will be putting both performances on our blog next week.
What a fun few afternoons it has been this week! This week’s DT project has been linked to our science unit about light and dark, and children have been creating oscillating motion puppets, magically themed, to create a class puppet show. 3B loved trying different types of prototypes before designing their own. Our puppet shows included magical hands, a hat, doves and even a magical carpet. Children will evaluate their brilliant creations next week, reflecting on what they would have changed and sharing why. 3CW will be working on their puppet show next week and we’re looking forward to seeing their ideas come to life!
Puppet show!
Our puppet shows were all about a boy who travelled to a new place and met mythical creatures and in some stories, he brought a rabbit and a golden hoop back!
After researching the Alps and learning more about the activities in Yorkshire, children had to draw on all their findings and make a conclusion. Where would they like to visit and why? Children started by using a Venn diagram to clearly show the differences and similarities between the places, which they then discussed in small groups. They then worked collaboratively to present their ideas before writing their conclusions. So, where did Year 3 want to visit the most?
In 3B, a vote was taken, and it was a 50/50 vote; some wanted to visit the Alps simply because they’ve never been and would love the opportunity to climb even a little of the Alps, whilst others wanted to stay Yorkshire and climb the Three peaks. It’s fair to say they have lots of energy!
This week, Year 3 enjoyed the opportunity to use the maths apparatus, perform different stretches, and hold them for a couple of seconds. The children also enjoyed moving around the hall using balance and working on their jumps.
Well done to our special mentions – Jessica, Amelia, Leo, Maryam, Harper, Samsun and Davud!
Class dojo champions – Imogen and Oliver
Reading scores
3B – 85%
3CW – 54%
Dates for your diary
KS2 Christmas performances
Tuesday 17th December 2.00pm – 3B will be singing as part of the performance
Wednesday 18th December 9.20pm – 3CW will be singing as part of the performance
Thursday 19th December – Year 3 Christmas party
We have also sent home a letter about our visit to the Alhambra Theatre in January. Please let us know if you have not received a letter. We would like letters to be returned by 20th of December.
Good luck to all those taking part in the cross country event tomorrow!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly
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