Farsley Farfield Primary School

Our second week in Year 3

We have had a wonderful week in Year 3. We have all settled in very nicely, even though it is only our second week back. We have been practising our class expectations and learning how to get around our new building. We are working really hard to earn dojo points for excellent behaviour, readiness to learn and attitude to learning. The Year 3 teachers are very happy to have such a fabulous group of children to teach this year!


This week, we have continued learning about place value. We have been representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000. We have been using part-whole models and identifying the value of any missing amounts. We have used base 10 to work practically and also completed fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions in our books. You can practise this in this weeks maths homework.


This week, we have discussed conjunctions, specifically subordinating conjunctions. We looked at where in a sentence we may use the subordinating conjunction and how we can move it to the beginning of a sentence. This can be particularly tricky. If you would like, you could practise these at home by talking about things you do before/after something. Have a look at the youtube video for more information:

For example:

Before I brush my teeth, I will have some cereal. I will have some cereal before I brush my teeth. 

We have also started to read and discuss the book ‘Stone Age Boy’ which we are very excited about!


Year 3 have continued to enjoy talking more about the features of different types of rocks. This week we have worked together to examine and describe various rock types using yes/no questions to identify them.


3B will be doing Multi-skills, and 3CW will be doing Gymnastics this half term. This week children also joined in with their choice of class: dance, multi-sports or dodgeball. Here are some pictures from gymnastics and dance this week:


Well done to our special mentions – Dylan, Alisha, Harriet and Shivam!

Well done to our dojo champions – Joshua and Charlie!

Children are expected to read at least 5 times per week and have their reading record signed by an adult and brought in daily. They may need reminding to begin with but we hope with time they will be ready with their reading records for you to sign.

Homework books have also gone home with children this week. Please try to return the homework before Wednesday each week. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Begum, Mrs Connolly and Mrs White

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