Farsley Farfield Primary School

Our week in Year 4

Here are some of the things we have been doing in Year 4 this week!


In English this week we have been finishing off our planning in preparation for writing explanation texts to describe how fireworks work. The children thought carefully about how to organise their notes into subheadings, and are beginning to consider the types of words and sentences they will use.

Guided Reading

In guided reading, we made story maps to sequence and summarise Lila’s journey so far.


In maths, we finished our place value unit with lots of work on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Homework is linked to this. We have now started our addition and subtraction unit. We have been really impressed with the confidence the children have shown and the way they have been able to build on their learning from Year 3.


In science, we continued our work on electrical circuits, identifying problems and working out if a bulb would light or not in a particular circuit.


In PSHE we have been learning all about democracy. We have had some very good discussions about how laws are made and what makes a good leader. Next week, we will be holding elections of our own to decide who will be our Year 4 school council reps. Children who would like to be considered should prepare a short talk to explain to the class why they would be a good school council rep. Here are some things the children could consider to help them win the votes!

  • What skills do you have that mean you would be a good class rep?
  • What would you like School Council to work on this year?


Children in all classes at Farfield visit the library every fortnight. We also encourage families to use our fantastic local libraries. If you are looking for ideas for books to read, have a look at this list of 50 recommended reads for Year 4.

We want all our children to love reading! Please support your child to read five times each week and please do sign their reading records to show that they have read. We want to improve our Extreme Reading percentage in Year 4!

Other reminders:

  • Homework: maths – rounding numbers; spelling – homophones. Please return on Wednesday.
  • Boxes: Please keep collecting small / medium sized boxes, ideally with lids, e.g. shoeboxes, and save them ready for our D.T project.
  • PTA disco: Wednesday 9th October.
  • Harvest: Our harvest assembly is on Friday 11th October at 9:15 am in the junior hall for children in Years 1-6.  We would welcome food donations in tins, jars, and packets please; our collection will be given to St George’s Crypt (for homeless people in Leeds).  If you could support this appeal, please send the food in with your child on Wednesday 9th or Thursday 10th of October. Parents are welcome to attend Harvest Festival although seating will be limited. We expect the assembly to take up to an hour.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Sykes, Miss Levett and Mrs Newsome


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