Farsley Farfield Primary School

Pupil Premium

Our Pupil Premium money is targeted at children that are ‘Looked After’ or adopted, and also those that are, or have been, in receipt of ‘free school meals’. Other children also benefit from this investment through access to interventions themselves or smaller group sizes as a result of additional staffing.


Our Pupil Premium investment provides early intervention in Reception through half a day from a teacher and two mornings from an additional TA. Bespoke work with eligible children and others, targets key areas for development for each child. In KS1, we fund a part time TA in Y1 and in Y2 for bespoke interventions.

In Year 4, we fund an hour a week of a teacher for targeted PP intervention. Across the school, PP monies fund general TA support in all year groups, a little bit of SEND support and Speech and Language services. Furthermore, PP monies funds much of our pastoral team, music instrument lessons, school visits, residentials, minibuses and Show Time club attendance.


We received £130,000 in Pupil Premium income in 23-24. This was spent on half a day a week teacher input and a part-time TA in EYFS, part-time intervention TAs in KS1, pastoral services, and targeted TA work in KS2. We also subsidised music lessons, trips, residentials and Show Time membership. PP  contributed to overall TA costs in school, without which we would need to cut more TA roles which would have a disproportionate impact on our PP children.

Y6 PP attainment and Progress 23-24

Y2 PP attainment and Progress 23-24

Rec attainment 23-24

Pupil Premium expenditure 23-24


We had a Pupil Premium allocation of approximately £105k. Click here for details of expenditure.

Year 6 PP attainment and progress 22-23

Year 2 PP attainment and progress 22-23

Reception PP attainment 22-23


Click here for details of expenditure.

Click here for details of provision and progress for our Y6 cohort of children in receipt of Pupil Premium 21-22.

Click here for details of provision and progress for our Y2 cohort of children in receipt of PP 21-22.

Click here for details of provision and progress for our Reception cohort of children in receipt of PP 21-22.


Click here for a comprehensive Pupil Premium report 20-21.