Reading Rockstars!
We have continued developing our understanding of place value, focusing on how different columns change when it is 1, 10 or 100 more or less than a 3-digit number. Children used base ten and place value counters to make the number and then showed how this changed each time.
This week, we have been busy learning about subordinating clauses and how they can be used. We discussed the differences between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and practised writing sentences on whiteboards before writing down sentences independently in our books.
In guided reading this week, we have been using inference skills to search for clues about what it could be like for children living in the Stone Age.
This week, Year 3 took PE inside due to the wet weather. Children practised the hop, skip and jump which they will be continuing to develop next week alongside different games to improve their accuracy. Everyone had fun throwing bean bags in hoops from various distances.
This week, 3B learned more about the significance of covenants within Judaism through the Exodus Story. Children took their time to sequence events and retell the story by summarising key events. We then started linking different events to the promised land and reflected on the importance of Abraham from our previous lesson.
This term our unit is all about Online Safety. After discussing the importance of passwords, we moved on to looking at different sites and content and why being safe also means going onto verified sites. This week, 3B looked at the meaning of age restriction symbols on digital media and social devices. As a class, we discussed places we can seek help if we see something that might hurt our feelings or if there is inappropriate contact. We ended the lesson with an interactive quiz.
3S focused on fact and fiction and considered whether everything written on a website is always true. Children enjoyed accessing a ‘spoof’ website and then created their own ‘spoof’ page about unicorns, trolls taking over hills and even giants!
Year 3 have been busy singing and practising their notes for ‘Let your Spirit Fly’.
Well done to our special mentions this week – Yahya, Jacob, James and Amelia!
This week both classes achieved their best reading score with 3B going above 90%, which is an incredible achievement in the first term! Thank you to all adults for your support with this. Please continue to remind children to have their reading records ready to be signed and brought in daily.
With the weather taking a turn this week, please ensure that children come to school with suitable footwear and wellies if they intend to play on the fields.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum and Mrs Sykes
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