Reception News – 10.1.25
Happy New Year! The children have had a great first week back and have been very busy.
We have learnt the phonemes / graphemes for ai, ee, igh and oa. The children know that ai, ee, and oa are digraphs because they have two letters making one sound and igh is a trigraph with three letters making one sound. Our tricky word this week is was.
We have been doing lots of counting this week. We have revisited the concept of 1:1 correspondence by matching collections of objects to their representations. We have been developing the children’s understanding of cardinality – that the last number in the count tells us ‘how many’ things there are all together – and applied this to count more abstract things, such as claps and jumps.

Whatever Next!
Our focus book this half term is Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy.

Fun in the snow!

Everything Else…

Have a great weekend.
The Reception Team
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