Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 13.9.24

The children have had a super week and are doing well learning many new routines. In a morning, they are coming in independently and trying hard to remember to put their fruit and water bottle away and find their self-registration name. They may put one small key ring on their book bag to help them find it at home time.

The Colour Monster

Our book this half term is The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. The children are enjoying listening to the story and had fun making their own colour monsters.


The children had lots of fun exploring the musical instruments. We played them fast, slow, loud and quiet.

Zoey the school dog

The children enjoyed meeting our school dog, Zoey. We talked about how we look after Zoey and how we stroke her. Soon we will be taking turns to take Zoey for a walk in the school grounds.

School Lunches

The children all have a special place to eat their lunch. We encourage the children to use a fork, knife and spoon. They are doing so well trying new foods. They are learning to put their knife and fork together to show they are finished.


Please can we ask that if your child brings grapes as a snack that they are cut up, as whole grapes are a choking hazard. Please can all water bottles and snack pots have your child’s name on.

Everything else…

Reception Baseline Assessment

Over the next two weeks, we will be completing the Reception Baseline Assessment. Please see the leaflet below for more information.

We look forward to seeing some of you at the colour run on Saturday.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception team.

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