Reception News – 14.2.25
This week we have revised the phonemes y, z, zz, and qu. Our new tricky words are are and all. Please keep practising reading and writing the tricky words.
We have had lots of fun with 3D shapes this week. The children have enjoyed learning their names and their properties. What facts can they remember?
They have enjoyed building with the shapes and going on a shape hunt.

The children had lots of fun playing musical instruments. They enjoyed singing the song “What’s inside the music box?” We also sang a fun song about five monkeys and a crocodile, introducing the children to the word ‘pulse’. They learnt that the pulse is like the heartbeat of the music.

Everything Else…

Dates for your Diary
Thursday 27th February – RGK are spending the afternoon on the school farm, they all need their wellington boots as it’s muddy!
Wednesday 5th March – Bedtime Story Evening
Thursday 6th March – World Book Day
Thursday 13th March – RP are spending the afternoon on the school farm, they all need their wellington boots as it’s muddy!
Wednesday 26th March from 9am – 10am – Spring Event (More details will be sent home soon.)
Have a lovely half-term holiday.
The Reception Team
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