Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News 18.10.24


This week we have learnt the phonemes o, c and k. Can your child find objects beginning with these phonemes? Our tricky word is no.


We have been doing lots of subitising this week. The children are getting quicker at instant recognition of something they can see or hear.

Understanding the World

It has been lovely sharing the children’s homework all about their homes and where they live. This week, we have looked at our immediate surroundings – school and Cote Lane. We looked at Google Earth to see what the school looked like from above – a bird’ s-eye view. We talked about what we could see and how the houses near school don’t all look the same as our own or each other.

RGK Reading Buddies

RGK enjoyed meeting their Year 4 Reading Buddies. They had lots of fun sharing books.

Everything Else…

Yorkshire Owl Experience

The children have all brought home a letter about our very exciting owl visit!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at either of our Reading, Phonics and Maths meetings. Every child has been sent home with the phonic booklet we discussed at both sessions.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team


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One Comment

  • Sidra Hussain says:

    Oh I really wish Wali was in school and had participated in all of the activities. He missed it. 🙁