Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 20.9.24

Dough Disco

The children are enjoying their daily Dough Disco sessions. Children need to have strong muscles in their hands to enable them to write effectively. Dough Disco finger exercises are fun and help improve fine motor control and gross motor skills. The children also enjoyed using the tweezers to exercise their fingers at our ‘Finger Gym’.


We had lots of fun in our first PE lesson. This half-term, we are exploring fundamental movement skills. The children will learn how to travel at different speeds and begin to understand how to be spatially aware. This week, we played some fun movement games.

Busy Bee Books

The children all have a ‘Busy Bee’ book. Throughout the year they will draw and write sentences in this book. This week they all drew a picture of themselves and wrote their name.

The children are trying hard to hold their pencil using a tripod grip.

Tripod Grip

Story Time Fun!

Kate, from Farsley Library, came to visit us this week. She read …

Reading Books

The children were very excited about choosing their first reading book. They all begin with a wordless book. Please share this book with your child, look at the pictures, encourage them to ask questions and talk about what is happening.

We will discuss how you can support with reading at home at our meeting on the 9th October.

Everything Else…

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team


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