Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 23.1.25


This week we have learnt the phonemes/ graphemes for ur, oi, ear and ow as in cow. This weeks tricky word is they. We have enjoyed singing the tricky word song to help us remember our previously learnt tricky words.


This week’s key focus has been the stable order principle – rehearsing the order of the first 5 numbers and understanding that each number’s position in our number sequence does not change. The children have enjoyed looking in detail at the Numberblocks and creating ‘stair patterns’.

We have also been using ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) alongside these ordering activities and as part of our classroom routines.

Space Writing

The children have done some super writing about space in their Busy Bee books.

The children have been exploring Google Earth and learning all about the planets. We have loved listening to this song to help us remember all the planet names.

Fun making planets!

Everything Else…

Have a great weekend.

The Reception Team


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