Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 28.2.25


This week we have revised the phonemes/ graphemes for ch, sh, th and ng. The tricky word is her. We have learnt these tricky word so far. Can your child read them all?


This week the children have been comparing amounts of objects. They have been using the language of ‘more than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘an equal number’ to describe how many objects there are in each set. ‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’, as the focus is on countable things.

Jasper’s Beanstalk

Our focus book this half term is Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.

This half term we will be doing lots of planting and learning about how plants grow. We will also be looking for signs of Spring.

You are all invited to join us at our ‘Spring Event’ on Wednesday 26th March from 9am – 10am. This will be a fun Spring hunt around our school grounds.

RGK visit to the farm

RGK enjoyed their afternoon on the farm. They all planted a ‘magic’ bean, went on a muddy walk to look for signs of Spring and learnt about different types of seeds. RP will be visiting the farm on Thursday 13th March.


This week we had fun singing about a bouncy frog. We had to bounce him to the pulse of the song.

Secret Readers

The children have enjoyed listening to a story from their first secret readers! We are looking forward to seeing more readers. Thank you for all of your support with this.

Everything Else…

A Busy Week Ahead!

Next week is going to be very busy in Reception! We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at our Bedtime Story Evening on Wednesday evening. The event starts at 6pm. Don’t forget to wear your pyjamas!! Please enter the school via Mrs Walton’s desk. You can park in the car park.

On Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. We are looking forward to a fun day of reading books. There are two competitions the children can take part in – see the letter below. We are looking forward to seeing all your photographs and videos.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team


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