Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 31.1.25


This week our phonemes are air, ure and er. We have learnt all of our phase 3 phonemes. Please keep practising the flashcards at home. Can you make words with these phonemes in?


This week the children have been consolidating their understanding of the composition of 5. Composing and decomposing numbers involves the children investigating part–part–whole relations, e.g. seeing that 5 can be made of 3 and 2. Through lots of practical activities, they are developing their understanding of a ‘whole’ being made up of smaller parts.

They have enjoyed singing and acting out lots of songs about 5.

Chinese New Year

We have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We acted out the story about how the years are named after different animals, we had fun doing some lion dancing and playing the instruments. We also made a delicious vegetable stir fry.

Understanding the World

So far this term we have been thinking about the question ‘What makes a good helper?’ Today we looked at a sculpture called ‘Circle of Friends’ and considered what makes a good friend. These are some of the children’s ideas…

“Kind to you”, “Help each other”, “Friendly with each other”, “Play together”.

We shared the lovely story of Mr Pod and Mr Piccalilli and how they became best friends.

Everything Else…

Have a great weekend.

The Reception Team


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