Tea Tasting!
In our English lessons this week, we have been exploring our new class text ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’. Since this book is about people who pick tea leaves for a living, we thought that we would spend some time tasting different types of teas and then describing them. During our tasting session, the children had to use their senses to make notes about the appearance, smell and taste of each of the drinks they were sampling.
Once we had tasted the teas, we then had a look at some different examples of existing tea descriptions. It soon became very clear that these descriptions were often very dramatic and detailed, tending to use figurative language such as similes and metaphors to create a specific feeling. With this in mind, the children had a go at creating their own descriptions based on their notes from the tasting session. We were very impressed with how well the children incorporated their findings from the examples into their own work and how carefully they chose the language that they wanted to use.
In our science lessons, we have started a new topic – ‘States of Matter’. To start, we explored the idea of what makes something a solid or a liquid, identifying the key properties that helped define them. The children were then given a range of different objects to sort based on whether they were solids or liquids. Some were easier than others to sort, especially when it came to solids such as sugar (which seemed to flow like liquids) but the children all did a fantastic job. Next week, we will explore the properties of gases and how they differ from the states that we covered this week.
Other News and Important Dates
- This week, we have set the children some spelling homework on Spelling Shed based on the work that we have done in class. We have not set any specific maths homework, but would like the children to spend time practising their times tables in preparation for the upcoming times table check. If the children are unsure which tables they need to work on, they can access their heat maps through ‘Garage’.
- Wednesday 12th June – All children will be completing the official multiplication check. They will need their Chromebooks for this.
- Tuesday 18th June – We will be holding a parent meeting to discuss the upcoming RSE lessons at 3:30 in the 4Ke classroom. A letter has been sent out with more details about this today.
- We will also be doing some stop motion work this half-term. If the children have any small, moveable figures that could be used as part of this, we would appreciate it if the children could bring them in.
- We would also like to remind everyone about our upcoming trips to Burnsall. If you have not yet returned the permission slip or paid the £2 contribution, we would appreciate if you could do so by Friday 14th June.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Levett and Mrs Kenvyn
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