This week in Nursery
Welcome back to the second Spring half term! Spring is on its way and we are talking about all the new growth on the tress and shrubs. Daffodils and other Spring flowers are starting to appear. Can you point out signs of Spring when you are out and about?
Farmer Duck
Our new story for this half term is ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury. The children have been learning what the word ‘lazy’ means, can they explain it to you? We have new farm small world resources set up in the book area which the children have been investigating. They have been learning the names of all the farm animals and what their young are called. Over the next few weeks we will be planting some seeds and learning how to take care of them. Here is a version read by Michael Rosen for you to share together.
Phonics – Listening game
We continue to work on our Phase 1 phonics. You will have received leaflets in your child’s book bag to explain all seven strands. Here is a game to play at home to promote listening skills.
Number 2
This week we introduced the number 2 by reading the Number Puppy story. Please point out the number to your child both inside and outside. Can they spot the numbers before you? We are also talking about the rectangle shape so a task is for you to support your child identifying this shape in everyday life.
This week the children have been experiencing coloured rice in the water tray instead of water…
More slime!
And more fun…
Have a lovely weekend from the Nursery team
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