Farsley Farfield Primary School

This week in Year 4

Over the last two weeks in maths we have been developing our methods for multiplying and dividing larger numbers. We have looked at using place value counters and part-whole models to support us. When multiplying, we have linked this to the formal written method. This video explains the methods in more detail:

It has been great to see the children growing in confidence when recording their methods and choosing the methods that work best for them.


In history we have been exploring replica Anglo-Saxon artefacts and thinking like historians to work out what each item might have been used for. The children had some excellent discussions in their groups and some very sensible ideas.


Last week in PSHE we had a special workshop all about promoting good health, particularly focusing on bacteria and viruses: learning how they are spread and how we might treat them. The children listened well and answered lots of questions.


4L have been working hard learning the singing and glockenspiel parts for Mamma Mia!


Thank you to everyone who has returned their permission slips for the trips to Murton Park next week. A reminder that 4SN will be going on Thursday 6th January and 4L on Friday 7th January. Please remember to make the payment for the trip on ParentPay. 4SN are still in need of a parent helper if anyone is able to volunteer. The forecast for next week is looking dry but chilly. Please make sure that children are dressed in warm layers and bring hats and gloves to keep warm.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sykes, Miss Levett and Mrs Newsome


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