Farsley Farfield Primary School

Week 5 – Sunshine, Showers, and the Stone Age in Year 3!

This week in Year 3 started with a rain-soaked Monday, but by the end of the week, we were basking in lovely sunshine. Despite the weather’s ups and downs, the children have had another fantastic week of learning, both inside and outside the classroom.

In English, we’ve been building on our understanding and use of fronted adverbials, using practical activities and written tasks to create even more descriptive and varied sentences. Perhaps you can help the children look out for fronted adverbials when they’re reading at home! If you’d like to know more about fronted adverbials, here’s a helpful video that explains what they are and how to use them.

In Maths, we’ve moved on to our new unit: addition and subtraction. The children have been practising adding and subtracting 1s and 10s to and from three-digit numbers. A strong grasp of place value from the last unit, along with their understanding of ones, tens, and hundreds, will help boost their confidence with this new topic.

This week in Science, we explored erosion and weathering. After learning about the three types of weathering, 3CW took a walk around the school to look for real-life examples of weathering on the stonework. One of the children had the important job of photographing the examples we found. Take a look below at the signs of weathering we discovered!

Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we travelled back in time to explore Skara Brae, the fascinating prehistoric village in the Orkney Islands of Scotland. The children were interested to learn how people lived thousands of years ago. They practised their retrieval skills by answering questions from a text about Skara Brae, discovering more about its unusual houses. If you’re interested, here’s the text to discuss and perhaps you might choose to find out more about this fascinating discovery.


In music, 3B have enjoyed singing ‘Let your spirit fly’ and using the glockenspiels. This week, some of the children also had a go at composing and improvising. Children have their log in details and can enjoy composing at home too!

We’ve been very fortunate that the rain has held off every Wednesday afternoon so far this term, allowing us to do PE outside for dodgeball and multi-skills. Fingers crossed the weather continues to be on our side for the rest of the half-term!

Special Mentions
A huge well done to our special mention children this week: Imogen, Rahul, Zebby and Harry.
Congratulations to our dojo champions: Alisha and Riya
Great work all around!

Reading Scores
Class 3CW – 72%!
Class 3B – 50%
Well done to those who are continuing their reading at home. Let’s keep it up – remember, reading at least 5 times a week is the goal!

This week’s homework focuses on subtracting 10s from three-digit numbers, and practising homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings).

Important Reminders
The weather has been unpredictable, and the ground is getting muddy, so please make sure your child has wellies and a waterproof coat for rainy days. It’s also important that all children bring indoor shoes and a water bottle to school.

As always, thank you for your support. We’ve had a great week of learning, and we can’t wait to see what next week brings!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Begum, Mrs Connolly and Mrs White


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