Farsley Farfield Primary School

Week 7: Busy days and Chromebooks!

As we start to approach the October half-term, this week has been a bit rainy and grey, but that hasn’t stopped Year 3 from having a productive and exciting time! The children have been SO excited to start using their Chromebooks to enhance their learning, and they have started to bring them home to continue practising their skills.


This week, we introduced a new book, The First Drawing, which really sparked the children’s imaginations! We kicked off the lesson by looking at cave paintings, setting the scene for a journey back in time. At the end of the lesson, we read the story aloud, and the children were encouraged to think deeply about the clues from the book. Was this story set in the Stone Age? Was it fiction or non-fiction?

We also used the book to help us to identify and explore exclamatory and interrogative sentences. The children practised identifying these and discussed how question and exclamation marks are used to show surprise or curiosity. We then applied this to writing descriptions of a woolly mammoth, focusing on expanded noun phrases. In 3CW, we also looked at the prefix ‘mis’ and completed crosswords and played ‘hangman’ using words containing this prefix.


In Maths, we’ve been working on adding and subtracting 10s across a 100, subtracting 1s across a 10, and subtracting 10s across a 100. The children were challenged to notice patterns in numbers like:

  • 333 + 5 = ___
  • 333 + 50 = ___
  • 333 + 500 = ___

The class also solved subtraction problems, making connections between ones, tens, and hundreds. It was fantastic to see them making these links independently!


In Science, we delved into the fascinating world beneath our feet by investigating what soil is made from. The children examined soil samples with hand lenses, describing the texture and content. We discussed how soil is a mixture of rock and organic matter and how it plays a crucial role in the environment. We even created layers of soil using LEGO to represent how soil is formed.


Our history lesson this week focused on comparing the Stone Age to the Bronze and Iron Age and discussing how things changed positively. Children enjoyed discussing in groups the changes that each period within the Stone Age brought and how this made farming, hunting and building communities easier. Children enjoyed using their inference skills to work out what housing and tools suggested and they then shared their views collaboratively on the importance of the Stone Age.


Sadly, the rain got in the way of outdoor PE again, but we made the most of it with circuits in the hall. The children worked hard and stayed active despite the grey skies!

Exciting News for Next Week

Next week, we have our Stone Age Day on Tuesday, and we’re also excited to start a reading buddy session with the nursery class. The children are looking forward to reading with the little ones and sharing their love of books.


  • The ground is getting muddy! Please make sure your child has wellies or appropriate footwear for outdoor play. A change of clothes might also be a good idea for those who tend to dive into the “mud bath!”
  • Keep up with reading at home – 5 times a week is the goal.

Special Mentions

A huge well done to our special mention children this week – Isla, Theo, Myla, Harriet and Sev
Congratulations to our dojo champions – Ihsaan and Roisin
Great work all around!

Reading and Homework

  • Class 3CW – 44%
  • Class 3B – 79%!

Thank you if you are reading at home with your child. Please remember, reading at least 5 times a week is the goal!


This week’s homework is to continue to practise the work we started on making connections. Children can also go on spelling shed on their Chromebooks to complete tasks.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs. Begum, Mrs. Connolly, and Mrs. White


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