Farsley Farfield Primary School

Week 7: Perspective, Reading Buddies and a Hoedown!

We’ve had another action-packed week in Year 4!


In English this week we have been learning all about perspective, writing from the interesting viewpoint of the Mona Lisa portrait. The children really enjoyed this task and did a super job of thinking like a painting, describing what they could see and hear, and considering how it would feel having people coming to look at you every day.


In maths, we have been practising our column subtraction and considering when it is best to use a column method and when other methods, such as counting on to find the difference, could be used. Homework is further column subtraction practice. If anyone is struggling with this method, the following video might help:


In science, we have been learning about conductors and insulators. We will apply our science knowledge to our D.T work next week as we will be making steady hand games. If you have been saving up your cardboard boxes (shoeboxes or similar) then now is the time to bring them in! Thank you to those children who have already brought in some boxes.


We have had fun this half term learning the song ‘Hoedown’ in music. 4SN combined their singing, dancing and glockenspiel skills for their final performance. We hope you enjoy it!

Reading Buddies

4SN met with their reading buddies in RGK this week. It was lovely to see the older children interacting so nicely with the younger children, and everyone enjoying stories together. We were even lucky enough to have a play in the reception classroom after our reading – I think Year 4 now want a sandpit in their classroom!


  • Homework: maths – subtraction; spelling – words from the Y3/4 word list. Homework is due on Wednesday.
  • Please bring in your cardboard boxes next week!
  • Please support your child by encouraging them to read at least five times a week and signing their reading records.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sykes, Mrs Newsome and Miss Levett


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