Farsley Farfield Primary School

Week Three in Year 4

We have had another fantastic week in Year 4!


This week in science the children learnt about different electrical components and then had fun exploring how to connect these to make a working circuit.


In English we have been writing explanation texts about how to look after Hamlet, the white elephant from The Firework Maker’s Daughter. We have been organising our writing into paragraphs and working hard to use the different features of explanation texts that we learnt about last week.


We are enjoying our new song ‘Hoedown’ in music. We have been singing along confidently and learning to play the accompanying parts on the glockenspiel, looking at written musical notation to help us.


In Geography this half term we are learning about the United Kingdom. This week we played a game to familiarise ourselves with some of the counties of the UK and then did some research into some of these counties, making Top Trumps cards to show what we had found out.


4SN have had two lovely sunny weeks in a row for football on the field! This week we practised our shooting skills, as well as our dribbling and defending.

The children in both classes also did amazingly well in their first proper swimming lessons at Bramley Baths this week.


  • Maths – number lines up to 10,000
  • Spellings – commas for possession

Please can homework books be returned on Wednesday.

Special mentions this week went to Yahya, Zaynab, Yasmine and James. Well done!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Sykes and Miss Levett


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