Welcome Back!
We have had a fantastic first week back at school in Year 4! We have really enjoyed getting to know the children and have been so impressed with the children’s attitude to learning and enthusiasm!
In Maths this week, we have been learning about place value of numbers up to 1000. We began by representing numbers using Base 10 and counters, then moved onto partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We finished this week by looking at number lines to 1000 with a range of intervals. Have a look at the video below to recap this.
In our first English lesson this week, the children were given the task of writing their own story based on a picture. We were so pleased to see the imagination and ideas the children had and enjoyed reading their work! Our topic this half-term is Explanation Texts, so we began by looking at a range of text types to see what makes an explanation text different to a recount or a set of instructions. We will continue exploring explanation texts before writing our own over the next few weeks.
We are reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter in Guided Reading this half-term, so we have done some fantastic firework artwork inspired by this this week! The children used oil pastels and chalk to create colourful fireworks on black paper.
Year 4 swimming lessons will start next Wednesday (13th September). Children will need to bring a swimming costume/trunks and a towel.
Maths – place value worksheet to consolidate learning from this week
Spelling – words from Y3/4 spelling list
Extreme Reading
Please make sure your child is reading at home for at least 5 minutes every day and sign their reading record at least 5 times per week.
We hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Mrs Kenvyn and Miss Levett
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- Ethan lacey on Y6 10.1.25 – Happy New Year!
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