Welcome back!
It’s been a busy first week back, and the children have returned to learning like they never left!
This week, we have continued working on addition and subtraction, focusing on exchanges. 3CW have been consolidating their learning and working practically to add and exchange across 100 using maths apparatus and the column method. Meanwhile, 3B have used the column method and practical resources to add and subtract 2 and 3-digit numbers. Please encourage children to continue to use Mathletics to support their understanding and application. Homework this week has been set to consolidate class learning.
It’s been an exciting start to our new writing unit, focusing on Leon and the Place Between. On Monday, children were excited to enter classrooms that had turned into the inside of a circus tent! Using music and photo stimuli, children used their five senses and understanding of expanded noun phrases to share what they could see, hear, smell, touch, and taste inside the circus; we enjoyed reading about some of the delightful treats and activities they could see taking place. We ended the week by watching a range of different adverts and annotating key features in preparation for our own adverts next week.
Here are some examples of some things that children envisioned:
Ahead of me, I could see delicious, sweet popcorn being hand-delivered to excited children.
Talented, glittery acrobats walked carefully on thin tightropes above me while we all watched excitedly.
The crowd was buzzing and clapping but fell silent when magicians came on stage.
We have also been introduced to the main character, Leon, who is impatiently waiting for a magic show to start. After using our inference skills to make predictions from the cover, we feel that things may take an eerie turn and are looking forward to finding out more next week.
This term, RE focuses on Christianity and how they lead good lives. Both classes enjoyed learning more about the significance of the bible and looking at actual artefacts. They shared when they might be used and where you might find them and then discussed how the Bible may be used to support Christians and guide them in life. Children then talked about things they would like to add to make our world a better place.
This term, our unit is focused on anti-bullying. Year 3 enjoyed listening to the story of rainbow fish before working together to share how our feelings can change, and specific actions can impact us. We talked about kindness and how we can show this to others and shared our experiences.
Here is the link for you to enjoy.
The Three Little Birds
Here is the music performance by 3CW of The Three Little Birds; we hope you enjoy it!
Our unit this term is all about Yorkshire and the Alps. The children loved singing the continent song to recap and identify the continents before moving on to locate different cities and countries within Europe using atlases. Some children worked in pairs and small groups to research certain countries and compare their similarities and differences.
Well done our special mentions this week – Jay, Roisin, Ayesha, Zyan and Zahra!
Our class dojo champions are Riya and Ihsaan.
Reading scores
3CW – 54%
3B – 75%
Children are expected to read at least 5 times weekly and have their reading records signed. Please continue to support them, as it makes a big difference.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly
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