Farsley Farfield Primary School

Welcome back!

It’s been a fantastic week with new learning and brighter weather. The children have loved playing in the winter sun for a change!


This week, Year 3 continued with length and perimeter. 3CW has been working out different lengths using different units of measure: millimetres, centimetres, and metres. Using their understanding, they then compared different lengths and enjoyed looking for objects to match the unit of measure in the classroom. 3B have been learning about perimeter and have enjoyed using their understanding of equivalence when working out different measurements and reasoning why specific shapes have the same perimeter but in different units of measurement.


This term, our class text is Ice Trap, based on Ernest Shackleton’s journey. The children read the advert that Ernest Shackleton sent to recruit men to join, and using a range of adjectives ending with ‘ous, ‘ they wrote letters to persuade him to choose them for this journey! It didn’t end there, they then worked in groups and partners to write down and ask interview questions to select the right people. We wonder how long it took him to recruit in real time!


This term, our unit focuses on climate zones and biomes worldwide, and the children were fascinated to learn about the similarities and differences between climate zones. In pairs, the children discussed their ideas on the meaning of weather and climate before moving on to locate the different tropics and use a key to colour-code the climate zones in the world.


Amazing bodies is our new unit this term and we discussed what our bodies need to survive. The children were presented with a scenario and a picture of a young boy deserted on an island. The children had to think about the different components a person needs to survive, including what to eat, drink, where to sleep and how to keep warm. The children had some brilliant ideas, some said that they would climb trees and shake the tree to get coconuts, whilst others said they would go hunting and break some bark to create a rod and find bait to catch fish in the ocean.


We have been learning about ways to deal with our emotions, focusing on anger. Children worked in groups and had class discussions sharing experiences. They then labelled a diagram of the body with places it can impact and what this feels like. Working as a class, we shared strategies including some mindful hearing guiding children to listen to sounds around them to settle their emotions. Below is a link to some mindful listening.


Here are some pictures of the children wearing red to support the Children’s Heart Surgery fund. Thank you for your contributions!

World Book Day

Thursday, March 6th, is World Book Day, and our theme this year is ‘read your way’. Children can come to school dressed in an outfit they like to read in. This could be their pyjamas, dressing-up outfits, or just their own clothes! Below are details on the competitions we would love children to participate in.

Read your way photos

We would like to see how children read in their own way. Please send a picture of them reading to their class teacher. Pictures will be chosen from each year group, and they will receive a prize, too! The deadline for sending this is Monday, March 3rd, by 4 p.m.

Read your way video competition

We would like the children to read an extract from a book using intonation, expression, and plenty of flair. They are welcome to use props and anything they feel would add to the performance, but ultimately, we’re looking forward to listening and watching how it is read! Videos are to be sent in by Tuesday, 4th March. Please send this in via the link that was emailed across by Mr Harris.

This week, homework is for children to have a go at reading an extract from a book as part of of the competition. We have also set a TT Rockstar battle which ends next Wednesday.


Well done to our special mentions – Tilli, Shivam, Elijah, Dua, Joshua & Ihsaan

Class Dojo champions – Jessica & Isla

Reading scores

3B – 91% – this is their highest yet!

3CW – 66%


Some children have been coming to school on PE days without appropriate footwear and safely participating in their PE afternoon. Please remind children to bring in their outdoor shoes/ trainers rather than just wellies as this can be very uncomfortable especially in PE.

Some of our families will begin the special month of Ramadan over the weekend, we hope you have a wonderful month full of reflection.

Have a lovely weekend to all and enjoy the bright weather!

Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly


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