Who’s a clever “sew and sew”?
The spring term seems to have flown by, with loads of learning and fun activities packed in.
This week, the Year 5 children started to construct their rainforest animal plushies. Last week, they researched the animal they wanted to make, then made a template so that they could cut out the material to the correct shape.
The first sewing challenge, and for some the biggest, was to be able to thread their own needle. Happily, everyone was able to complete this task by using needles with slightly larger eyes if they needed.
We then moved on to learning a few different stitches. The running stitch is the easiest to master, but isn’t very secure and so everyone was encouraged to learn the back stitch. (A video demonstrating it can be seen here) We also tried a couple of decorative edging stitches (Over stitch and Blanket stitch) to join the back and front together.
5KH have had a little more time on their animals and so a lot were completed. 5HB will finish their animals after the Easter break.

It was good to see so many of you at parent’s evening this week. Those 5HB appointments that had to be postponed will be rearranged for as soon as possible.
Have a lovely holiday and for those of you celebrating Easter or Eid, have a wonderful time.
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