Farsley Farfield Primary School

World Book Day 2022 Be Proud, Read Aloud Competition Winners

We had an amazing 140 entries in our Be Proud, Read Aloud competition: video or audio clips of children reading a favourite book extract with fluency, expression and enjoyment. We wondered how many children would enter but we needn’t have worried.

We were pleased and proud of every entry: standards were very high and reflect so well on the children and the support that they are getting from home. Thank you to everyone who entered – you all read fantastically well and, where appropriate, the costumes and settings really delighted us! We are especially grateful to M in Y2 whose wonderful early entry was used to inspire other children.

The class winners were:

Nursery: T reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Oliver reading The Gruffalo

RPK: R reading Such a Fuss

RPT: I reading Peter Rabbit

1B: H reading The Smartest Giant in Town

1GK: A reading Dear Zoo

2Lo: OP reading Pete The Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons

2La: M reading Unicorn Poop 

3B: E reading Gangsta Granny

3E: A reading Pet Stories

4C: T reading Tom Gates Genius Ideas

4L: JV reading The Enormous Crocodile

5K: D reading The Midnight Gang

5W: S reading Murder Most Unladylike

6D: B reading Odd and the Frost Giants

6J: IP reading The Lady in White

The overall winners were Olivia for the infants and Sophia for the juniors.

Well done everyone!

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