Farsley Farfield Primary School

World Book Day in Year 4

We had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day in Year 4! First, we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who entered one of our World Book Day competitions. The effort that went into all the photos and videos was amazing and it was such a joy to share the children’s enthusiasm for reading, and their creativity! The children have loved watching all the videos in class and it has been so nice to see children confident to show their work. Choosing the winners was an incredibly difficult task and we wish we could have given a prize to everyone! Here are the photo entries from Year 4, as well as our two winning videos, and a few other highly commended videos from Year 4.

World Book Day itself was a really enjoyable day, made even better by the sunshine, although some children were a bit too warm in their costumes and onesies!

We enjoyed reading with our Reception reading buddies…

4SN had some excellent battles to find the Ultimate Character Champion…

4SN also enjoyed a draw along with author Rob Biddulph and made some brilliant bookmarks…

Meanwhile, 4L created some amazing teacups for a Mad Hatter’s tea party!

Well done everyone for a wonderful World Book Day!

Sound Workshop

Next week, we have our very exciting workshop with Sam the Sound Man. This will be a great day of activities learning more about the science of sound and how to make instruments. Thank you to parents who have made the £2.58 contribution for this day on ParentPay. A gentle reminder for anyone else who is able to please make this donation.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sykes, Miss Levett and Mrs Newsome


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