Y6 10.1.25 – Happy New Year!
Welcome back to everyone this week – well done for making it through the snow and ice!
Science – Evolution and Inheritance
We have begun our new unit in science: evolution and inheritance. We began the term looking at the creation of life on Earth and talked about dinosaurs, meteorites, apes and more!
As part of our ICT curriculum, the children will be exploring networks and how the internet works. As part of our unit we would like to gather information about when you first experienced the internet in your home. If you could fill out the link below to support us with this that would be greatly appreciated.
War Horse is our text this half term and the children were happy to see another Michael Morpurgo text on the menu. We began by looking at the first chapter where we meet our narrator, Joey , and learned he was a horse! Children wrote an excellent recount imagining themselves as Albert – the thirteen year old boy who first owns Joey – and described his joy and surprise upon learning he now has a horse.
We have begun work on ratio this week and the children have done really well understanding how we can compare one thing to another mathematically.
Here is a quick recap and video for anyone who missed lessons this week due to snow.
Spelling shed – x5 games. Words containing ‘ough’
English Revision Book – pages 2 and 3 (retrieval practice) & page 35 (active and passive)
Maths Revision Book – pages 23 and 24 (multiples and factors) and page 31 (comparing fractions)
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Ethan is loving the war horse book as he has seen the film lots of times and can’t wait to watch it again at school.He loves anything to do with olden days especially learning about the war so he is very excited about this term.