Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 1 – 06.10.2023


In phonics this week we have revised ‘ee’, ‘igh’, ‘oa’ and ‘oo’. We have also looked at the tricky words ‘he‘ and ‘she‘. The phonics focus for the last two weeks will be stuck in your child’s reading record. Can your child remember all of the sounds and read the words?


We have had an exciting week in Year 1. Some ‘Disco Fruit’ visited our classrooms!

We have all chosen a fruit to write a description about. We have learnt that adjectives are describing words and we have been working hard to include them in our writing.


This week we have introduced rekenreks. We will have a daily rekenrek lesson in addition to our usual maths lesson. We have looked at how to reset the rekenrek and practised moving beads into play by using one push.

The children have also been comparing objects and numbers. We have learnt how to correctly use the symbols for ‘less than’, ‘greater than’, and ‘equal to’.


This week we have used clay to create our own 3D models. See if you can guess what we have made.


During our science lesson we learnt about the different types of trees. We then added labels to correctly identify the different parts of a tree including the roots, trunk, branch, leaves and fruit.

Trueman Books

As a school, we have a loyalty account set up with Truman Books. This means that if you, your family members or your children purchase any books from Truman Books and mention Farsley Farfield Primary School, we will accrue points to spend on lovely new books for school. They also have lots of children’s events planned for this year’s Farsley Literature Festival, details of which can be found at www.farsleylit.co.uk

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team

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One Comment

  • Edie’s Mum says:

    Edie has really enjoyed the Kitchen Disco. She’s been telling me what she’s been finding the fruit doing each morning. Sounds great fun!