Year 1 – 06.12.24
In phonics we revised the phase 5 split digraphs e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. Your child will have came home with flashcards for these sounds today. We have now learnt all of the phase 5 phonemes. Please use the flashcards to practise these lots at home too. We also practised reading and spelling the tricky words so and do.
In English we looked at evaluative statements about our fire engine models. We thought about our design process and final product and decided on which statements we agreed with for our own fire engines.
In maths we have looked at 2D shape. We have spent time recognising and naming common 2D shapes and used them to create shape pictures.

We then spent time sorting shapes based on their properties. The children have really enjoyed listening to this 2D shape song.
In history we looked at the enquiry question ‘What would happen if there was a fire in London today?’. We spoke about the differences between life in Tudor times and life today including no telephones, no electricity, no fire brigade and houses being built in close proximity and out of wood. We sorted images into life today and life in 1666.

In computing we have continued with our unit on Purple Mash. This week the children learnt how to add a photo to a document.

In PSHE we met Pantosaurus. We spent time designing pants for him and talking about his PANTS rules.

Red spelling books have been sent home with a task in today. This homework is due in on Tuesday 17th December please. Purple homework books are due in on Tuesday 10th December.
Christmas Performance
We have been busy practising our Christmas Performance. The children will have came home with a costume letter today. Most costumes are provided by school but some children may require some items of clothing to wear underneath. Please could these be brought into school in a named bag by Friday 13th December. Thank you.
St John’s Christingle
Year 1 are going to St John’s church in Farsley on Thursday 12th December to take part in a Christingle service. We will be walking to the church so children will need a warm coat and sensible footwear. We will be back to school in time for lunch.
Water bottles
Please can we ask you that the children carry their water bottles instead of putting them in their book bags. We have had a few instances where reading books, library books and homework books have been ruined do to water bottles leaking in book bags. Thank you for your help with this.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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