Year 1 – 07.02.25
We have had a very exciting week filled with lots of art fun!
Visit from an artist
On Tuesday afternoon we had a very exciting visitor. We discovered during our art homework that Max’s mum is a real-life artist. Lucy came to speak to the children about being an artist. The children were fascinated and loved seeing her pictures. Many didn’t believe that the pictures were not photos. We learned lots of interesting facts. Did you know that black and white pictures don’t only contain black and white colours? Or that purple can be used to create a really deep black? We saw pictures that Lucy had drawn of people’s pets as well as pictures of wildlife. The children loved making suggestions of which animal Lucy could draw next. They voted on her drawing a gorilla and she said that she would come back to show the children the finished picture.

If you would like to have a look at Lucy’s work more closely, please click follow this link
Leeds Art Gallery
1T had a brilliant time visiting Leeds Art Gallery on Thursday.

1B had a great time visiting the gallery today.

A huge thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers who helped us on our trips.
We have finished our colourful canvases inspired by Pacita Abad. They look fantastic!

Year 1 Art Gallery
We have been very busy creating lots of pieces of art work this half term. Since we visited an art gallery this week we have decided to host our very own Year 1 Art Gallery to showcase all of our fantastic work. All of our pieces will be on display on Friday 14th February in the infant hall from 3.20pm. Please collect your child as normal and then walk around to reception. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!
In phonics this week we have revised the split digraphs i-e, o-e and u-e. We have also practised reading and spelling the tricky words ‘out’ and ‘oh’.
This week we have enjoyed the story Katie’s Picture Show by James Mayhew.
In the story, Katie visits and art gallery. The signs on the artwork say ‘DO NOT TOUCH!’ but Katie does and she ends up falling inside of the paintings. We looked at the painting ‘Winter’ by Zuzana Chalupova. We imagined if we fell into the painting. We thought about where we might land, what the problem might be and how we would get out of the painting. We used these ideas to form a story plan. We will continue writing our stories next week.
In handwriting we practised the loopy letters j, y, f and k.
We started the week by looking at doubles. We learnt that a double is the same number added together. We practised our doubles to 10. Can your child remember all of the doubles? We had fun listening to this song to help us to remember.
We then used our knowledge of doubles to work out near doubles. We looked at additions like 7+8. We noticed that 8 is only one more than seven. We realised that we could double 7 and then add 1 to work out near doubles.

In PSHE we looked at responsibility. Children talked about responsibilities they had at home and school like putting their toys away and hanging their coat up. We discussed how different things are different people’s responsibility. We talked about different tasks and the children voted with their feet.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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Amazing art work Lucy!
Awww this is so lovely & creative! Well done kids x