Year 1 – 07.03.25
World Book Day
The highlight of our week has been World Book Day! We started the day with a fantastic assembly. Truman Books came to visit us to show us all of the books that we can get with our World Book Day vouchers – there are some brilliant books to choose from! We also celebrated our winners for the photo and read aloud competitions. Well done to everybody who entered – we had some AMAZING entries and it was extremely difficult to choose a winner.

We then did a rotation of four activities with four different teachers within KS1. We enjoyed the story 100 Cats with Mrs Lace and then designed our own cat.

We enjoyed the story ‘The Dot’ with Mrs Wilson and created our own dotty plates.

We enjoyed the story ‘I like myself’ with Mrs Tomlinson and then completed a self portrait.

We enjoyed the story ‘You Must Bring a Hat’ with Mrs Broadhead and then designed our own hats.

We also had a fantastic time meeting up with our year 5 reading buddies!

We spent time entering a competition to design a new World Book Day voucher.

1T Library Visit
On Wednesday, we had a fantastic trip to Farsley Library. We were very lucky and walked down without our coats in the glorious sunshine. At the library, we read lots of books, shared a story, and then chose some books to borrow and take back to school. Thank you to all the parents who helped on the trip.

We introduced ‘Phonics Detectives’ in our phonics lessons this week. A letter was sent home on Monday containing more information. The children have really enjoyed completing the Phonics Detective sheet as a morning task. Well done to the children who have already been a ‘Phonic Detective of the Day’ and won a small prize! We will continue with Phonics Detectives for the rest of the half term.
This week we revised the sounds ck, ff, ll, ng, zz, ss, ch, ph, qu, sh, th, wh and ar. We also practised reading and spelling the tricky words today and ask.
In maths this week we have continued with our work on addition and subtraction. We have worked hard to create ‘Fact Families’ for different pictorial representations. We have also looked at how to solve missing number problems.
In science we learnt about our five senses and which body part we use for each sense. We conducted an experiment where we excluded our sense of sight and used our senses of touch, hearing, taste and smell to figure out what an object was.

We continued with our work on senses in English. We explored lots of different objects and used adjectives to describe what we could see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

In computing we started a Purple Mash topic on coding. This week we used the programme ‘Fun with Fish’. The children worked hard to create a code to solve a variety of challenges.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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Looks like a very busy week doing lots of lovely things!