Year 1 – 08.11.24
We hope you have had a lovely half term. The children have had a very exciting first week back. We started our topic on the Great Fire of London and a lot of our lessons focussed on this.
In Geography, we looked at where London is in the UK and we learned about some of the landmarks in London.
We have also enjoyed looking at maps and globes.

In history we learned about the Great Fire of London. To start with, we looked at the differences between London today and London during the Tudor times. Then we focused on where and why the fire started and what impact it had. Looking at the differences between London now and then, helped us to understand why the fire destroyed so many houses.

In our whole class reading lesson we read a non-fiction book about the Great Fire of London and used our retrieval skills to answer questions about the text. We then used this knowledge and what we had learned in our history lessons to write facts about the Great Fire of London. The children were able to use some fantastic sentence openers.

In maths, we have continued practicing our addition skills and applying these skills to worded problems.
Maybe you could try this challenge at home?
We started learning Phase 5 sounds in our phonics lessons. We focused on ay, ou, ie and ea. We have sent home flashcards of these sounds in a small plastic wallet today. Please keep practicing these sounds at home and return the wallet each Friday to receive the new sounds for that week. We also learned the tricky words her and was.
1B had their first lesson with Northern Arts dance. We are looking forward to having these lessons each week this half term!

Spelling books have been sent home today. Please take time to practice these spellings with your child.
We recommend reading at least 4 times a week for 10 minutes each time. Please write in your child’s reading record when you have read with them.
There are assignments on Mathletics to be completed over this half term please. Children who earn 1000 points or more in one week will receive a certificate.
Children also have access to Fast Phonics and Purple Mash. The log in details are in the back of their reading records.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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