Year 1 – 10.01.25
Happy New Year! It has been a cold and snowy week but we’ve had a wonderful week filled with lots of learning.
In phonics we have revised the phase 5 digraphs ay, ou, ie and ea. We have also practised reading and spelling tricky words some and come.
In English this week we enjoyed the story ‘Katie and the Dinosaurs’ by James Mayhew.
The children then each chose a dinosaur to write a description about. The children worked hard to include adjectives and the conjunction ‘and’ in their writing.
In maths we have started our place value topic. The children have been practising counting forwards and backwards within 20 and looking at how many tens and ones there are in teen numbers.

In science we investigated the enquiry question ‘What happens if you put a coat on a snowman?’
We used four ice balls and made a prediction about which ice ball would melt the quickest. We put a ‘jacket’ on two of the ice balls and placed one inside the classroom and one outside. We then put an ice ball with no jacket on outside and kept an ice ball with no jacket on inside. The children made predictions about which ice ball would melt the quickest.

We discovered that the ice ball with no jacket on and inside the classroom melted the quickest. This is because the classroom was warmer than outside and the jacket acted as an insulator and kept the cold inside.
The children have started to learn a new song that they will perform at the end of this half term.
We have started a new PPA rotation. This half term the children will enjoying making scrambled eggs in cooking, creating a collage in the style of Matisse in art and BeeBot algorithms in computing.
In RE we will be looking at what it means to be a part of a group. Please could you email in a photograph of your child at a celebration to support this topic. This could be of them at a wedding, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Easter, birthday or any other occasion. These photos can be emailed to and Please could they be sent in by Thursday 16th January.
He is this term’s newsletter. A paper copy has been sent home today.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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