Year 1 – 13.12.24
In English we followed instructions to make winter celebration cards and then the children wrote their own instructions on how to make the cards. The children did a brilliant job and wrote fantastic instructions.

We learned about 3D shapes in our maths lessons this week. We named shapes such as spheres, cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and square based pyramids and learnt about their properties. Did you know that a sphere has one curved face? The children had a go at trying to stack the shapes and found that only those with flat faces can be stacked well.

In phonics we have started revising the Phase 5 phonemes. Please keep using the flashcards to practice these sounds at home.
Christingle at St John’s
On Thursday, we had a fantastic trip to St John’s church in Farsley. As it is a local trip, we walked to the church which the children found very exciting. We learned about what a Christingle is and what it represents and then the children made their own. All the children were very sensible when we lit the Christingles in the dark church and sang silent night.

In PSHE we did a mindmate lesson on happiness. We discussed what makes us happy and how we can tell if others are happy. We enjoyed the story of Elmer and then coloured our own colourful Elmer.

1B have loved their dance lessons with Northern Arts this half term. Here is their final winter performance.
Christmas Party Day
Your child will come home with a letter today detailing some information about our Year 1 party day on Thursday 19th December. Your child can wear party clothes to school that day and bring their own individual party snack.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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That is the cutest little dance!