Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 1 – 14.02.25


We spent our phonics time this week completing a practice phonics screening check with the children. This was to see how the children would do and where they might need support. A pack with real and alien words went home after our phonics meeting in the Autumn Term. Please practice reading these words with your child. We will discuss the results of this practice screening with you at parents’ evening at the end of March.


In English we have finished our stories inspired by the book Katie’s Picture Show and we had a whole class reading lessons on the book as well. The children wrote some brilliant and at times very funny stories!

In handwriting we practiced forming the letters r, v and w.


In maths we have revised number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20. It is important for the children to know that if 2+8=10, then 12+8=20. This is quite a tricky concept for the children to understand and we used cubes and 10 frames to help with this. The children love playing “Hit the button.” This is a great game to practise number bonds to 10 and 20 – as well as other number bonds, doubles, and halves. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


In art we spent an afternoon creating stained ‘glass’ windows in the style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. The children did a great job of using pieces of tissue paper on a laminating pouch to create some fantastic designs.


We finished our unit on algorithms this week by ordering and then following a set of instructions on how to make toast. Everybody – including the adults – very much enjoyed this task!


In PSHE we discussed if different behaviours are ‘unkind’, ‘unfair’ or ‘unhelpful.’ We found that things like not tidying up the classroom or snatching a toy from another child could be all of these things. We also talked about good ways of letting somebody know when they are being unkind, unfair, or unhelpful and we made a list of how we can be helpful in class.


In music we recorded out versions of Big Bear Funk. Enjoy watching!

Year 1 Art Gallery

Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 1 Art Gallery after school today. It was wonderful to see you all enjoy the children’s fantastic art work.

Have an amazing half term,

The Year 1 Team


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One Comment

  • Jon says:

    I had a great week! It was amazing to have our own art gallery – my mummy and daddy loved seeing everyone’s work. Have a great half term everyone! From Eva x