Year 1 – 15.11.24
In our phonics lessons this week, we have learnt the phase 5 phonemes oy, ir, ue and aw. Your child will have come home with flashcards for these sounds today. Please keep practising these new sounds. We have also revised the tricky words all and they.
In our English lessons, we enjoyed the story Vlad and the Great Fire of London. The story followed the tale of a flea ‘Vlad’ through his experiences of the fire.
The children thought about what they might have seen, heard, smelt and felt if they had been alive during the times of the Great Fire of London. They worked hard to write some fantastic descriptions.

We have been learning about subtraction in maths. The children learnt that subtraction is when we take a part away and see how much is left. They practised solving subtractions using the crossing out method and also the number line.

In geography we have been looking at human and physical features. We learnt that human features have been built by people and physical features are naturally occurring. The children then sorted some features into human and physical. We used a map to mark human and physical features of our school grounds.

In science we started our unit on materials. We learnt that a material is what an object is made out of. We sorted various objects into groups based on what material they were made out of. These groups included wood, plastic, metal, glass, fabric and brick. Can your child spot any materials at home?

In PSHE we started our unit on keeping safe and managing risk. We discussed that dangers and sorted some real and imaginary dangers. We discussed how these dangers can make us feel and what signs our body gives us that something might be unsafe.

We also talked about secrets and how some secrets can be safe and fun like a surprise present. We discussed how some secrets are not safe for us to keep and we must tell an adult we trust about them. The children then voted with their feet whether a secret was safe to keep.

In computing this week we practised logging in to Purple Mash and creating an avatar. Your child’s Purple Mash log in details are in the back of their reading record if they would like to continue with this activity at home.

Purple homework books have been sent home today with a task about the Great Fire of London. This homework is due in on Tuesday 26th November please. Spelling homework (red book) is due in Tuesday 19th November.
Please read at least four times a week for 10 minutes and write in your child’s reading record that you have done so. Please also practise the phonics focus glued into your child’s reading record and use the flashcards to revise the sounds.
There are some assignments on Mathletics that need to be completed by the end of this half term please. Your child’s log in details are in the back of their reading record.
Temple Newsam
We are going on our trip to Temple Newsam next week.
1B are going on Tuesday 19th November
1T are going on Thursday 21st November
Your child needs to wear their school uniform, a warm coat (we will be outside for some of the day) and sensible footwear. They will also need a packed lunch.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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