Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 1 – 28.02.25


In phonics this week we have looked at silent letters. We learnt that if a ‘k’ or a ‘g’ comes before an ‘n’ in a word then the ‘k’ or ‘g’ is silent. Like in the words knight and gnome. The children have practised reading and spelling words with silent letters in. We moved on to look at compound words and enjoyed watching this video.

We also practised reading and writing the tricky words love and school.


This week we looked at subtraction. We spent the beginning of the week solving subtraction number sentences by using a number line to count back. We then looked at subtracting by finding the difference.


In science we have started our new topic on the human body. We started the lesson by thinking about what might be inside our bodies. The children drew what they thought might be inside and stuck them onto a human body outline.

We then learnt lots about what is actually inside our body, what those things look like and what they do. We stuck them onto the correct place on another human body outline.

We then labelled a diagram of a body in our books.


We continued with our science topic in our English lessons this week. We used books and videos to find out lots of interesting body facts! Did you know a human adult skeleton has 206 bones? Interestingly, a baby’s skeleton has more! The children wrote some fantastic facts and used some brilliant sentence openers.

In handwriting we practised the tunnel letters n, m, h, b, p and u.


In PSHE we did a Mindmate lesson on strong emotions. First, we ‘voted with our feet’ to say if different scenarios were kind, unkind, fair, unfair, right or wrong. Then we watched an episode of “Topsy and Tim” and discussed where we could see unkind behaviours and how we might be able to resolve these. We spoke about the importance of kindness and enjoyed a lovely book called ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’. The children then spent time filling up each other’s buckets by writing kind things about each other inside them.

1B Farsley Library Visit

1B had a wonderful time at Farsley Library on Wednesday, despite the sudden down pour of hailstones on our walk there! We spent time looking at the books, enjoyed a story together, watched Mrs Jones return a book and then took some books out on our own class library card. We have already enjoyed some of the books we borrowed! 1T will be visiting the library on Wednesday 5th February.

World Book Day

This year we are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. We have lots of exciting events and activities planned. Our theme this year is ‘read your way’ so we are inviting children to come to school dressed in an outfit that they like to read in. This could be their pyjamas, dressing up outfit, beach wear or just their own clothes.

There are some ‘Read Your Way’ competitions that your child might like to enter. Here is a letter including more information.


Purple books have been sent home today. Homework is due on Tuesday 11th March. Thank you.

Please continue to read with your child at least 4 times a week and write in their reading record. There are also lots of activities on Mathletics and Fast Phonics to enjoy.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team


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