Year 1 – 29.11.24
In our English lessons, we have written a recount of our trip to Temple Newsam. The children did a fantastic job of using time connectives such as first, next, then, after that and finally in their writing.

In maths we have continued our learning about fact families. The children did a great job writing lots of addition and subtraction number sentences. How many number sentences can your child write about this part whole model?
On Monday and Tuesday we learnt the digraphs ‘au’ and ‘ey’, before introducing split digraphs on Thursday. These are digraphs where the two letters that make one sound are ‘split’ by a consonant between them, e.g. ‘i_e’ in time. On Friday, we focussed in more detail on split digraph ‘a_e’. Your child will have came home with the flashcards for these sounds today. Please keep revising the sounds using the flashcards sent home.

Design Technology
We had a very exciting day on Wednesday. Apart from our Christmas performance rehearsal, we spent the whole day making our fire engines.
We started by looking at the key parts of a fire engine and then drew and labelled what we wanted our fire engine to look like.

After this, we selected our box to act as the cab and body of the vehicle and either painted or wrapped it.

We then spent time decorating our vehicles. We added windows, doors, sirens, lights, ladders and hoses.

We wanted our fire engines to be able to move. We learnt that vehicles move by using wheels on an axle. The axle is secured onto the chassis of a vehicle using an axle holder. We used a hack saw to cut our axles to the correct length.

Our finished fire engines looked amazing!

Purple homework books have been sent home today. There is a ‘Shape Detective’ task to be completed by Tuesday 10th December please. Red spelling books are due in on Tuesday 3rd December.
Year 1 are going to St John’s Church on Thursday 12th December.We will be making a Christingle and having a short Christingle service.
The children will be walking to the church. They can come to school in their PE kit. They will need sensible footwear and a coat.
We would welcome parent volunteers for this trip. We will return to school in time for lunch. If you are able to help please email or
If you would like to make a small, voluntary contribution to the church then please send it in with your child on the day.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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