Year 1 – 31.01.25
In phonics this week we have revised the phase 5 phonemes au, ey, a_e and e_e. We have also practised reading and spelling the tricky words ‘what’ and ‘when’. Please keep using your phonics flashcards at home to ensure your child is confident with all of the sounds.
In English this week we had another look at the book ‘Katie and the Dinosaurs’ by James Mayhew. We thought about the door that Katie walked through to the dinosaur land and explored the idea of there being a different land through the door.
We had lots of fantastic ideas including a candy land, outer space, under the sea, a jungle and a theme park! The children then all wrote a setting description. They worked hard to include lots of right choice words and the conjunction ‘and’ in their writing.

In handwriting we practised forming the straight letters i, l, t x and z.
In maths we have moved on to addition within 20. We started the week by adding by counting on. The children used concrete objects, pictorial representations and number lines to work out the answer. We then looked at adding by using our knowledge of number bonds. For example, if we know that 4 + 3 = 7 then we know that 14 + 3 = 17.

In art we looked at the artist Pacita Abad. She was known as the ‘Woman of Colour’ due to her very colourful art work that included lots of shapes.
We were inspired to create our very own colourful canvases. We started by placing tape on the canvas to create different shapes. We then very carefully painted each shape. We will be continuing with our canvases next week.

We have finished our unit on materials. The children should now all be able to confidently name and identify materials including wood, plastic, glass, paper, metal, fabric and brick. How many materials can your child identify?
In PSHE we thought about what it means to be unique. We got into pairs and discussed what was the same and different about each other. We started with physical features like eye colour, hair colour and height and then spoke about likes and dislikes including our favourite colour, ice cream flavour or hobby. We concluded that there are lots of things the same about each other but everyone is different too – nobody is exactly the same, everyone is unique. No-one is good at everything but everyone is good at something. The children all thought about something that makes them special.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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