Year 2 News 1.3.2024
Super skipping
This week we took part in a fantastic skipping workshop where we learnt lots of different skills. We had a go at a single and a double bounce then even braved a run and jump on the giant rope! The instructors were very impressed with our determination and resilience. We have been eager to practise at playtime and can’t wait to enter the skipping competition later in the year.
We have been continuing our work on Tinga Tinga tales this week with a story all about how giraffe got its neck. We wrote descriptions to compare what giraffe looked like at the start of the story with a short neck and stumpy legs and at the end of the story with an incredibly long neck and elegant, long legs. As a class, we discussed which of the two stories we preferred then got into groups and had a go at orally retelling the story. We ended the week with an extended piece of writing retelling one of the tales in our own words using a range of expanded noun phrases, time adverbials and conjunctions.
In our maths lessons this week, we have been exploring multiplication using arrays and grouping. We have been looking at the multiplication symbol and how to write multiplication sentences.
For example, the following array shows 2 x 4 = 8 and 4 x 2 = 8
This week in science, we continued to look at how we can change certain materials. We recapped the actions bend, twist, stretch and squash and chose objects which we could demonstrate these actions with. In our groups we tested a range of objects and then used the key words, flexible, stretchy, elastic, stiff and rigid to describe their properties. During our investigation, we identified that modelling clay and elastic bands can both be stretched but that only one of them goes back to its original shape and this led to some discussion about the term elasticity.
World Book Day
A reminder that we will be celebrating all things bookish on Thursday and you are invited to come to school dressed as an adjective. This year the librarians would like you to create a ‘cool character’. You could design a new character, or use a character that you already know. You could draw or paint your character, use a wooden spoon, an egg, a potato, a cardboard box or anything else you can think of! Please bring your entries to school by 9am on Wednesday 6th March.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year 2 Team
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