Year 2 News 14.02.25
The children have really impressed us this week with their super diary writing. We completed some activities to practise writing in the first person at the start of the week. Then we planned our diary entries by thinking about what Florence would have seen, heard and smelt when she arrived at Scutari hospital. The children included lots of detail in their final pieces.
This week we have been adding suffixes to words with a short vowel sound before the final consonant such as tap, jog, skip. We learned that we need to double the consonant. There is an activity to do which can be handed in on the Monday after half term.
This week we have started our new topic on Multiplication. We have looked at equal and unequal groups, made and added equal groups using repeated addition and we have introduced the multiplication sign.

Today we used maths stories to support this:

This half term children have been exploring different styles of art on the 2Paint program on Purple Mash. This week, they chose their favourite style to create their own piece.

This half term we have learned the song ‘Rainbows’ and accompanying music on the glockenspiel. Our recorder players have been practising in their recorder lessons.

2La Dance
2La had their final dance lesson with Lily from Northern Arts. They loved learning and performing this dance.

2BW Gymnastics

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Fantastic singing and music making!!
Have a great weekend all.
Brilliant to see the children enjoying and achieving in the creative subjects too.
Have a well deserved rest!
Happy half term!