Year 2 News 15.11.24
This week in our English lessons, we have been exploring a new text by Julia Donaldson called ‘Follow the Swallow’. The story follows two birds, a swallow and a blackbird, as they meet in the garden and become friends. Apollo the Swallow then migrates to Africa for the winter months whilst Chack the Blackbird stays at home enjoying the berries the tree brings in autumn. When Apollo returns, he finds his friend has changed and the tree now holds a nest of eggs. After reading the story, we wrote our own book reviews explaining what happens in the story and our favourite parts and characters. Focussing on right choice adjectives and verbs, we built up some descriptive phrases to show what the different animals were doing in the story. We then created our own storyboard to show the five key events in the story before writing some sentences to explain Apollo’s journey to and from Africa.
We have also been reading and exploring the text ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. We used our reading dogs to help us answer different types of questions.
This week in maths we have been focussing on 10s! We began by looking at how to find 10 more and less than a given number through a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions. We then used dienes and pictorial representations to add and subtract multiples of 10 from a 2-digit number.
We then moved on to adding two 2-digit numbers. This was fairly straight forward until we needed to exchange! We will continue to work on this next week!
This interactive activity on the Topmarks website is useful for practise. Choose the TU + TU activity on supporting calculation.
In our geography lesson this week, we looked at the differences between hot and cold places focusing on the desert, rainforest and Antarctica. We looked at the physical geographical features as well as the wildlife living there. We created our own pictures showing how hot and cold places contrast each other.
Continuing our work on spreadsheets, we created our very own zoo this week! We used the 2calculate tool on Purple Mash to add clipart images to the different cells. We then looked at how you can use the move and lock tools.
Our theme this half term is friendships. This week we talked about the qualities we look for in a good friend. We then wrote a recipe for a good friend. We added qualities such as loyalty, respect, kindness and fun!
Thank you for the super animal groups homework. This week we have looked at which animal offspring look like their adult. We found out that mammals, reptiles and birds have babies that look like their adult whereas amphibians and fish offspring often look very different e.g. tadpoles and frogs.
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