Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 18.10.24


What would you do if you found an esca-PEA on the loose? This week, we have been exploring Supertato, a story that follows an evil pea out to cause mischief in a supermarket and a superhero potato that saves the day. After reading the story, we wrote our own book reviews summarising what the story is about and explaining our favourite parts and characters. We practised this in partners first.

We then collected lots of high-quality vocabulary to describe Supertato and used this to write our own character descriptions. We are looking forward to writing about our own super veggie next week!


This week in spellings we learned that there are lots of different ways to spell the or sound. We also looked at the homophones saw/sore, paw/poor/pour and shore/sure.


In our maths lessons this week, we have been exploring related facts by observing and following patterns. We then used our knowledge of number bonds to 10, to find number bonds to 100. Using a range of pictorial and practical resources such as number lines, dienes and 100 squares, we then explored adding and subtracting ones from a two digit number.


We recapped our understanding of urban and rural places this week and discussed what made Farsley and urban area. We looked at images of Farsley and sorted them according to whether they showed human features, physical features or both.


We created some beautiful still life pictures in our art lessons this week. After spending a few weeks looking at line, shape and tone using an image stimulus, we had a go at our own still life final pieces. We had to look very carefully at the fruit arrangement on the table in front of us.


We had lots of fun designing our very own pop ups this week! Based on either The Little Red Hen or Supertato, we created our own design of a background with a moving image. We had to choose whether to use a wheel, lever of slider to make something on our picture move. We can’t wait to make our final designs next week and share them with the children in Reception.


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